Pave It, Preserve It

5 Reasons To Use Recycled Asphalt

by Mildred Fisher

When looking to repave a driveway or other surface, consider the benefits of recycled asphalt. In many cases, it is exactly the right option for your project.

1. Cost-Effective

Recycled asphalt costs less than new asphalt, since the main cost of creating it was part of the original project it was used in. You can save any more cash by recycling the old asphalt from your previous paving, especially if the recycling occurs on-site so that there is no additional transport cost to and from an asphalt recycling center. 

2. Saves Time

If you are having old asphalt torn up to replace it with new, then hiring a paver that operated their own asphalt recycler machine can save you time. Instead of having to haul away the torn-up chunks of paving and bring in new asphalt, your pavers will simply feed the old chunks into the recycler where they will be turned into fresh hot mix asphalt on site. 

3.  Provides Percolation

Recycled asphalt has a higher porosity compared to virgin asphalt materials. This means there are more spaces between the aggregates inside the asphalt mix, which allows water to percolate through the paving and into the ground below. Higher percolation rates in paving are especially useful in areas where water tends to accumulate, such as in a low spot on a driveway. Since the water can naturally work through the porous recycled asphalt, it is less likely to sit on the surface where it can cause potholes and other paving damages.

4. Eco-Friendly

Asphalt may not seem environmentally friendly on the surface, as it does contain petroleum products, but there are a couple of reasons why it is a green choice. First is the porosity mentioned above, which will reduce water loss from evaporation. Second is that it is durable and repairable, so there won't be an environmental footprint of frequent paving replacement. Finally, if you opt for recycled asphalt there is no eco-impact from mining and producing virgin paving materials. Asphalt can be recycled countless times, which makes it pretty green.

5. Highly Durable

Don't be concerned that recycled asphalt isn't as durable as other paving options. It has a similar durability as new asphalt, and it can be repaired just as easily. Asphalt paving can be patched many times as it ages, much more successfully than concrete, which means it is one of the more durable and long-lasting ways to pave.

Contact an asphalt pavement recycler if you would like to learn more about this product.
