Pave It, Preserve It

Your Guide to Preparing Your Space for Asphalt Installation

by Mildred Fisher

Asphalt is commonly selected for driveways and parking lots because of its durability and cost efficiency. However, before you can enjoy the benefits of asphalt, there are a few key steps you need to take to prepare your space for installation. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about preparing your space for asphalt installation, from clearing the area to grading the soil.

Clearing the Area

The first step in preparing your space for asphalt installation is to clear the area of any obstructions. This includes removing any existing pavement, vegetation, rocks, and debris. You will also need to ensure that the area is free of any underground utilities, such as gas lines or electrical cables. The area needs to be cleared thoroughly to ensure a smooth and even surface for the asphalt to be laid.

Grading the Soil

Once the area is clear, the next step is to grade the soil. Grading the soil involves creating a level surface that will support the asphalt pavement. This will prevent water from pooling on the surface, which can cause damage to the asphalt over time. To grade the soil, you will need to use a grading tool, such as a rake or shovel, to remove any high spots and fill in any low spots. Take your time with this step to ensure a proper base for the asphalt.

Compacting the Soil

After the soil has been graded, the next step is to compact the soil. Compaction is essential for creating a stable base for the asphalt pavement. You can compact the soil using a plate compactor or a hand tamper. Compact the soil to prevent settling and ensure a long-lasting asphalt surface.

Installing a Geotextile Fabric

Once the soil has been compacted, it is a good idea to install a geotextile fabric over the compacted soil. Geotextile fabric helps to prevent the base materials from mixing with the soil below, which can weaken the asphalt pavement over time. The fabric also helps to improve drainage and reduce the risk of cracks and potholes forming in the asphalt. Simply lay the geotextile fabric over the compacted soil and secure it in place with stakes or staples.

Adding Base Materials

Finally, the last step in preparing your space for asphalt installation is to add base materials. Base materials, such as crushed stone or gravel, help to provide a solid foundation for the asphalt pavement. Spread a layer of base materials over the compacted soil and use a roller to compact the materials. This will create a stable base for the asphalt to be laid on. With the base materials in place, your space is now ready for asphalt installation.

Preparing your space for asphalt installation may seem like a daunting task, but by following these steps, you can ensure a smooth and successful installation process. Contact a company such as Azzarelli Paving & Site Development to learn more. 
