Pave It, Preserve It

Paving Your Home's Driveway And Parking Area

by Mildred Fisher

The driveway and parking area of your property will be two of the areas that you are the most likely to need paving to ensure easy accessibility for your vehicles. Due to the size and importance of these paved areas, there will be many factors to consider to make sure that you are getting the best results possible for your budget.

Minimize Erosion And Managing Runoff

Erosion and runoff control measures are essential features for most paving projects. During periods of heavy rain, it is common for there to be very large amounts of erosion and runoff that could negatively impact the soil surrounding the pavement. Over time, this could lead to damage to the pavement itself because the soil supporting it may wash away. In order to reduce this threat, the area being paved will need to be properly prepared. As part of this process, gutters will need to be installed along the sides of the pavement so that runoff from it can have a safe path to take. Additionally, keeping grass or other ground covers along the sides of the pavement can avoid erosion occurring if the gutters become overwhelmed.

Be Prepared For The Curing Time For The New Pavement

Once the pavement has been applied to the ground, it will need time to cure before it is ready for use. Attempting to use the pavement before it has fully cured can lead to substantial damage in the form of cracks, potholes, and other issues. During this time, you should plan to park the vehicle somewhere else. If parking in the yard or along the street is inconvenient or troublesome to you, it can be worthwhile to choose a paving option that will have the shortest curing time possible. Asphalt can be an excellent choice in these situations as it may be ready for use in as little as a couple of days while concrete may require a couple of weeks.

Assess The Need For Ice Melting Systems In The Pavement

During the winter months, you will have to make an effort to keep the driveway from becoming too icy to safely navigate. Unfortunately, this can be an issue that homeowners may not fully anticipate. However, there are options that can spare them from the need to apply deciding chemicals or shovel snow to keep their driveway easy to navigate. The installation of a thermal ice melting system will warm the driveway to keep it ice-free. 

For more information, contact a local residential paving company like New England Paving.
