Pave It, Preserve It

3 Key Issues Asphalt Paving Services Will Sort Out For You

by Mildred Fisher

Like your appliances, your pavements need to be in good condition to serve your needs. If you don't take care of them, they'll break down and become unsafe for your family members and guests who visit. If you're unlucky, you may even be sued for injuries that occur on your property. This can stress you out and drain your financial resources. Fortunately, you can avoid all these hassles by investing in asphalt paving services. Professionals offering these services are experienced in spotting and addressing a wide range of pavement problems. Here are three key issues they'll sort out for you.


Many potholes are formed as a result of water seeping into cracks in the pavement and then freezing. As the ice expands, the cracks widen and create a hole. They may also be formed by vehicles constantly driving over a weak spot. Potholes can range in size from just a few inches to several feet wide and deep. If they're not repaired on time, they may bend the rims of vehicles, cause flat tires and alignment issues, or even damage the suspension. They can also make your property look unkempt and cause trips and falls. An asphalt paving company can eliminate potholes in your parking lot or driveway quickly and efficiently. They will clean out the hole, fill it with asphalt, and compact it. The strength of this material will prevent water from seeping in and causing the pothole to come back anytime soon.


Asphalt pavements may develop cracks over time due to exposure to the elements and the weight of vehicles. These cracks can encourage water penetration which may damage your pavement's foundation. They may also be a safety hazard for pedestrians and drivers. Asphalt paving contractors can repair these cracks and restore your driveway's surface. They'll seal them using a special material that inhibits water penetration and improves durability. If the gaps are too large or numerous, they'll replace the damaged section of your pavement.

Uneven Surfaces

Your asphalt surface may become uneven due to several reasons. These include natural aging, inadequate drainage, and heavy traffic. You can identify an uneven surface by looking out for depressions or high and low spots. If you don't take care of this problem on time, your pavements may break, crumble, or chip. Asphalt paving contractors can level out your walkways and driveways so they're safe for everyone.

Investing in asphalt paving services is a wise decision if you want to keep your pavements in excellent condition. A contractor will sort out these problems and prevent new ones from forming, saving you time, money, and stress in the long run. For more information on asphalt paving, contact a company near you.
