Pave It, Preserve It

Retaining Walls Provide Excellent Support For Swimming Pools

by Mildred Fisher

Owning a swimming pool is a major accomplishment. Yet, it is also worth noting that this ownership comes with a lot of time, effort, and cost. So, undoubtedly, you must protect this investment. One way to do this is to build a retaining wall around your pool. If you have a sloped yard or another drainage concern, the benefits of a retaining wall are long-lasting. Learn about some of them. 

Easier to Maintain

There is nothing like enjoying a cool swim on a hot summer day. However, if your pool is full of debris, cleaning the pool before each use can feel like a laborsome chore. For people with a sloped yard who do not have a retaining wall, this experience is likely their norm.

A retaining wall can be a barrier between dirt, rocks, and other debris and your crystal-clear water. Instead of this debris settling inside your pool, it will rest against the retaining wall. Your pool will be more swim-ready each day, and you will likely spend less on your chemical cost.

Structural Stability

If you have a property in an area where the soil is more sand-like, looser, and less compactable, the effects of the ground conditions can be detrimental to your pool over time. These soil types allow the pool's gunite or shotcrete frame support to shift over time. Minor fractures in the frame and underground piping can form as they shift. 

In either scenario, the long-term effect is a leak. Small leaks are costly to repair, and major leaks can result in catastrophic damage. In this environment, a retaining wall can serve as a placeholder because it provides the pool with structural stability that the soil cannot. 

Erosion Prevention

Soil shifts all the time, but changes in weather conditions can speed up the process. For example, in a region that experiences heavy rain, the extra moisture could cause the soil around the pool to erode faster. 

Just as in the case of loose or sand-like soil, erosion can impact the structural stability of the pool. However, even if you are lucky enough to avoid damage, erosion can expose the pool's shell. No matter how you dress it up, a pool's shell will not look good and can cause your pool to look less attractive and inviting. 

Whether you are in the drafting stages of pool construction or already have a pool installed, speak with a construction professional who can assist you with this process. For more information on retaining wall installation, click here or contact a professional near you.
