Pave It, Preserve It

Put An Asphalt Parking Lot In Place For Your Public Park Or Athletic Venue

by Mildred Fisher

Do you own or manage a public park or an outdoor athletic complex that is used for recreation or youth sports leagues? If you have parents and friends showing up to cheer someone on, chances are good that some of those people will be bringing their vehicles to the park or complex. If you do not yet have an asphalt parking lot in place for these vehicles, adding one with the help of a local firm that offers asphalt paving services might be a good idea for a variety of reasons.

Protect the Grass and Soil

If you have cars driving across a grass area you have designated for parking every weekend, all of that weight on the grass may cause damage over time. Your beautiful public park or outdoor complex may not look so nice as tires continue to run through the soil and create a mess. Asphalt will remove a section of the grass from the park but it will look nice and professional regardless of how many cars drive over it.

Adding Parking Lines Can Add More Spots

When people park on an open grass field with no parking lines, they can tend to just kind of park wherever they feel like. The cars might not be lined up neatly in a row or someone might leave a bigger gap between cars than they would if they were in an asphalt lot with clearly defined lines. Switching to an asphalt lot can allow you to create more parking spaces by making it clear that each car should fit into one of the assigned spaces.

Create Better Organization as People Come or Leave

Asphalt parking lots can also help keep people safe as they enter or leave the area. You could put directions down on the asphalt pointing the way to go to people as they arrive or exit. Asphalt parking lots also tend to have clearly defined driving lanes in between the rows of spaces. There will be fewer surprises around the corner compared to trying to get out of a crowded grass lot.

Asphalt Remains Usable in All Seasons

If your park or complex hosts events all year, you might have issues with mud in the fall or winter. Too much mud or winter could make the entire lot unusable if you want to make sure cars don't get stuck on the property. Asphalt parking lots might still need to be cleared of snow but will otherwise be open for business all year long.

Contact a local company that offers asphalt paving services to learn more.
